Friday, December 16, 2016

Tussock Moth Caterpillar

Tussock moth caterpillar (Halysidota davisii) crawling on a rock face. 

Esoterizona Stones 46

Massive quartz bedding over quartzite, exposed in a pit mine operation.

The cut had exposed crystalline pockets within the quartz.

There were also a number of adits ...

... one of which led to a large stope that contained exploratory drill holes, side adits, fallen timbers, exposed crystalline faces, packrat nests, and a slickensided ceiling.

First side of a nicely terminated pair of quartz crystals.

Second side of the same pair.  Base= 1".

Double-terminated floater quartz crystal.  0.75"

Terminated floater quartz crystal. 1"

Cluster of terminated quartz crystals. Base=1.75"

Arizona Fall Colors

Tree leaves changing color in a canyon of the Huachuca Mountains, Arizona.