Sunday, September 27, 2015

Mine Stench Gas

Mine stench gas is a warning system used to alert workers underground of an emergency situation.  It works by releasing ethyl mercaptan into the air supply, the same "rotten egg smell" chemical that is added to natural gas to aid in leak detection.

Esoterizona Stones 36

Fluorescent Minerals

Calcite (bright red), dolomite (dark red), and willemite (green).  The combination of calcite and dolomite is known as "crazy calcite." 5"x3"x2.5"  Franklin, NJ.

Same as above, white light.

Calcite (red), gemmy willemite (green), and black non-fluorescent franklinite.  4"x4"x2.5" Franklin, NJ.

Above specimen, white light. The light-colored vein is willemite and non-fluorescent pink rhodonite.

A large face of hardystonite (blue) and clinohedrite (orange) with traces of willemite and calcite. 5.5"x4"x2.5" Franklin, NJ.

Same as above, white light.  Minor black franklinite is also visible.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Trailer Trash

This trailer has been abandoned in the mountains.

Inside are boxes of drill-core samples, like this one.  Before commencing operations, mining companies retrieve and catalog these samples to assess the viability of their claim.

The trailer is full of these boxes, definitely beckoning further exploration, but the trailer is also what a health professional would refer to as a "hantavirus nightmare."  Rodent droppings cover all horizontal surfaces, and nests are hidden among the stacks.  Not to mention the possibility of catching plague from the fleas.  Next time take a hazmat suit.

Modern Mining

A close-up look at a modern mining operation ..

This a major avenue into the mountain.

  It is large enough to accommodate heavy equipment traffic, and a significant portion of the terrain surrounding the mine has been transformed into an artificial, reinforced facade.

The mine is also well blocked against intrusion by locked gates and barriers.  Cool air streams steadily from the opening, most likely powered by the second portal located higher up the mountain, and chilled by the damp chambers between the two openings.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Sign of the Times

Hikers - watch for falling rock. Warning signs - beware predatory trees.