Saturday, January 31, 2015

Esoterizona Stones 28

Fluorescent Minerals

Calcite (red) and willemite (green) SWUV. The white-blue fluorescent associated with the willemite is unidentified at this time. This material is from a new Arizona location. 5.5"x3.5"x2" (Pinal County)

Above under white light.

Calcite (red), willemite (green), unknown white-blue, and caliche (orange). 4.5"x4"x6"

Willemite (green) with the white-blue. The willemite in these specimens is highly phosphorescent.

Above under white light. FOV 4"x3"

What the Hut?

When in doubt, shoot at it ...

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Esoterizona Stones 27

Fluorescent Minerals

Crystalline aragonite cluster, SWUV. 5"x4"x3"

Same under white light.

Calcite (red), willemite (green), and fluorite (violet). The fluorite is brightest under LWUV, while the calcite and willemite appear only under SWUV. 6"x3"x3"
The willemite is also phosphorescent.

Same under white light.

Fluorite (violet), caliche (orange), and willemite (green). The fluorite and caliche are best under LWUV, while willemite appears only under SWUV. 6"x4"x3.5"

The bands of purple and green fluorite are visible under white light ...

... even more so when the stone is wet.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Back On the Grid

Esoterizona is back in action, broadcasting from our new corporate headquarters.