Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Arizona Alligator

Arizona Alligator Lizard (Elgaria kingi nobilis) in the foothills of the Galiuro Mountains.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Esoterizona Stones 26

Fluorescent Minerals

 This rock appears to be composed of three tungstate minerals: scheelite, powellite, and wolframite.  The scheelite fluoresces an electric blue ring around crystalline yellow powellite in the center, both in response to shortwave UV.  Photo overexposed so the camera could capture both colors. (Pinal County)

The black wolframite is non-fluorescing.  Unfortunately the mine dump looked like it had been graded by heavy machinery, and this 1"x1.5" piece was about the largest found.

Bright green fluorescent chalcedony (opal) - purchased in bulk from a rockshop going out of business.  Probably from AZ, CA or NM, but there's really no telling. Shortwave UV. 3"x2"x2"

Same under white light.

These next three photos are all the same rock, also part of the bulk purchase.  Although no provenance was given for this material either, it is one of a number of pieces that appear to be from the fluorescent localities Franklin and Sterling Hill mines in New Jersey.

Calcite (red), willemite (green), and hydrozincite (blue).

Calcite and willemite in a pattern characteristic of the area.

White light.  Rock still needs a washing.  3"x3"x2"

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Bee Swarm

A swarm of Africanized bees (Apis mellifera spp.) taking a pit stop on the limb of large eucalyptus tree.  The swarm remained overnight and departed mid-morning, leaving behind a black, waxy stain on the branch.