Saturday, August 16, 2014

Sierrita Gas Pipeline Project

Here are two photos of the Sierrita Gas Pipeline Project currently under construction. First saw pipes laid out along AZ 86 while driving west towards Three Points, then they made a turn south along AZ 286. Photos were taken at the intersection of a dirt ranch road with the pipeline corridor east of AZ 286. These guys banged a road through the desert that 18-wheelers can navigate, headed all the way for Mexico. No small feat, considering the ruggedness of the terrain. This pipeline is projected to transport 200 million cubic feet of natural gas per day. See below for links to more detail.

Looking north.

Looking south.

Official Kinder Morgan Energy Partners page about the project:

Article from the Arizona Daily Independent:

And lastly, for those masochistic weirdos who want the legalese, here is a link to a .pdf of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's permit issuance:

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