Friday, May 30, 2014

Esoterizona Stones 12

Fluorescent Minerals

Calcite crystals under shortwave UV and white light. 3"x2"x1.5" (Santa Cruz County)

Drill core fragment with calcite (red), aragonite (green), caliche (yellow), and fluorite (blue). Shortwave UV and white light. 2.5"x2"x1" (Santa Cruz County)

Aragonite (front)
Calcite and fluorite (back) with a glimpse of the aragonite. 6"x4"x2" (Santa Cruz County)

Calcite (red) and scheelite (blue). 4"x4"x2.5" (Santa Cruz County)

Aragonite, calcite, and fluorite. 4"x2"x3" (Santa Cruz County)

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