Friday, March 24, 2017

Esoterizona Stones 51

Fluorescent Minerals

Fluorescent creamy yellow powellite with bright green chalcedony in non-fluorescent quartz, Pinal County, AZ. Shown under short wave UV light. 7.5"x4" Self-collected.

Same specimen, white light.

Fluorescent creamy yellow powellite with bright green chalcedony in non-fluorescent quartz, Pinal County, AZ. Shown under short wave UV light. 6"x4.5" Self-collected.

Same specimen, white light.

Esoterizona Stones 50

Fluorescent Minerals

Bright pink and royal blue fluorescent smithsonite, Santa Cruz County, AZ.
Shown under short wave UV. FOV ~7"x5" Self-collected.

Same specimen, white light.

Fluorescent pink, blue, and crimson smithsonite with minor red calcite and sky blue hydrozincite. Shown under short wave UV. 10"x6"x3" Self-collected.

Same specimen, white light.

Fluorescent red crust and veins of calcite with crimson and blue fluorescent smithsonite. Shown under short wave UV. 5"x4.5"x2" Self-collected.

Same specimen, white light.

Fluorescent red calcite and sky blue hydrozincite, Santa Cruz County, AZ.
Shown under short wave UV. 4"x3.5"x2.5" Self-collected.

Same specimen, white light.

Esoterizona Stones 49

Fluorescent Minerals

I dug this massive beauty out of a side closet in a rock shop I visited while traveling recently - a combination called "crazy calcite" (with willemite), from Franklin Mine, Franklin, NJ. 8"x5"x3.5"  "Crazy calcite" refers to the combination of fluorescent orange-red calcite and dark red dolomite. The willemite fluoresces bright green.
Another example of this material, and a white light photo, can be seen here:

I also picked up an exceedingly bright and phosphorescent willemite from Sterling Hill, NJ.

Same specimen, white light. 5"x5"x2.5" - sits great on the shelf.

Esoterizona Stones 48

Fluorescent Minerals

I recently bought this piece at a rock shop while traveling - a nice example of green cubic fluorite crystals from the Rogerley Mine in England. 3.5"x3"x2.5"  This piece was being sold as a white light specimen, and was a pretty good deal.

The fluorite is fluorescent under all wavelengths, pictured here with short wave UV.

The fluorescent response under long wave UV is incredibly bright.

Esoterizona Stones 47

Fluorescent Minerals

I recently bought this piece at a rock shop while traveling - a beautiful hunk of amber yellow fluorite crystal from Cave-in-Rock mining area, Hardin Co, Illinois.  The leading edge of the crystal measures 4" and the base measures 3"x3"x4". This piece was being sold as a white light specimen, and was a pretty good deal.

Especially so, considering that exposure to long wave UV reveals violet-blue fluorescence that grades into lavender with bright glowing white towards the bottom.  The white fluorescence comes from what looks like a layer of calcite within the fluorite along the base.

 The base is covered with stepped cubic fluorite, shown here under short wave UV.

 Closeup view of the "steps." FOV ~2.5"

 Same view as above, under angled white light to emphasize the detail.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Tucson Gem & Mineral Show 2017 - 1

White light aesthetic specimens acquired at this year's Tucson gem & mineral show:

Beryl var. aquamarine terminated crystal with quartz, Minas Gerais, Brazil. 3"x2"

Microcline var. amazonite with perthite, Brazil. 4.5"x2.5"x1.25"

Pink rhodochrosite with green fluorite.  Sold without specific locality information, but best guess is the Sunnyside Mine, Eureka District, San Juan County, Colorado. 2.5"x3"

The fluorite fluoresces violet-blue in response to longwave UV.

Tucson Gem & Mineral Show 2017 - 2

Fluorescent Minerals

Some fluorescent mineral acquisitions from this year's gem show.  The willemite and manganocalcite pieces were being sold for cheap as white light pieces - always a fun discovery, and a primary objective of the yearly hunt.  The fluorapatite was a great deal also, direct from the Australian collector, and is one of my favorite fluorescent minerals.

Fluorescent green gem willemite from the Franklin Mine, Franklin, NJ. 4"x3"x2"

The non-fluorescent minerals are red zincite and black franklinite.

Red fluorescing manganocalcite from the Racracancha Mine, Cerro de Pasco, Peru.

Same specimen, white light. 6"x3.5"x3"

Yellow fluorescent fluorapatite from the Rothsay Beryl Mine, Australia, short wave UV.

Same specimen, longwave UV.

Same specimen, white light. 3.5"x2.5"x1.5"